Podcast 57: Preventing Early Childhood Cavities and Tooth Decay

Tooth Decay Treatment in Bangalore | Pediatric Dentistry | Dental Sage

Tooth Decay Treatment in Bangalore | Dental Sage Tooth decay is fairly a common problem in today’s children, who are exposed to a variety of dental problems. The milk teeth eventually fall out, but the permanent teeth require special attention. If a child’s dental hygiene is neglected, he or she may be subjected to painful […]

Podcast 43: The Importance of Baby Teeth

Pediatric Dental Clinic in Yelahanka | Dental Sage Welcome to our “Behind the Smiles: The Oral Health” Podcast and I am your host ⁠Dr. Smita Pattanayak⁠, Dentist Near Me Yelahanka and director of Dental Sage with you. Baby teeth, also known as primary teeth or deciduous teeth, play a crucial role in a child’s overall oral […]

Podcast 41: The Link Between Oral Health and Overall Health

Welcome to our “Behind the Smiles: The Oral Health” Podcast and I am your host Dr. Smita Pattanayak, Dentist Near Me Yelahanka and director of Dental Sage with you. Keeping your teeth healthy does a lot more than giving you a beautiful smile. It helps in preventing various health problems, both acute and chronic. So, how […]

Podcast 1: How regular checkups affect your dental health

Dental Clinic in Yelahanka | Dental Sage Hello and welcome to our “Behind the Smiles: The Oral Health Podcast” and I am your host Dr. Smita Pattanayak, a prosthodontist in Yelahanka and director of Dental Sage with you. So in today’s podcast episode, I am going to discuss “HOW REGULAR CHECK-UPS AFFECT YOUR DENTAL HEALTH”. […]